Doctor Reacts To Family Guy Medical Scenes

The Hows and Whys of Hydration

Water is the elixir of life. You can survive for over a month without food, but a week without water is fatal. We take water for granted in First World countries; millions of people worldwide struggle every day for access to clean, fresh water. Read on to learn how to add a fun twist to your water!

How to Eat Healthy Using Simple Healthy Eating Math

Eating healthy should be simple and enjoyable. Instead of making it complicated, we’re going back to basics with simple math to determine our healthy eating grades!

Healthy Eating – Is Your Childhood Holding You Back From Being A Mindful Eater?

Chances are probably high that when you were a kid you did not like to eat vegetables. You may even have had a parent who offered you rewards to finish your greens. Despite their best intentions you probably did not understand the health benefits of vegetables until later in life. You may even have some food experiences that have prevented you from trying a specific food even as an adult. Food experiences as a child are very likely to carry over into adulthood, which is why we need to be careful about the lengths we go to get our children to eat certain foods.

How to Focus on Folate

Vitamin B-9, most commonly known as folate, plays many critical roles in the body. Folate, along with other vitamins, is an essential nutrient that human beings need to function properly. Your body can’t produce vitamins on its own (except for vitamin D, but you don’t make enough on your own so it’s still considered essential), so you need to ingest them from exogenous, or outside, sources.

Amazing Ginger Health Benefits

Ginger is a fantastic rhizome due to Its numerous health benefits. A daily dose of this hot spice in food or water benefits the body. Its benefits are alleviating morning sickness, boosting mental performance, anticancer and antimicrobial properties.

Are Vegans Really More Evolved? Really?

Are vegans more evolved than other people? It depends on the perspective. This article takes a brief look at vegan diets and how evolved they are.

Healthy Living – Three Things You Must Know About Probiotics

If you are not on the probiotic bandwagon, now is the time to get started. As more and more research comes out on these super bacteria, we realize just how essential they are to our overall health. Many people do not know some essential facts and considerations about probiotics, however, and this can hinder their decision on which products to use – or which foods to eat.

Decorate Your Plate With Fruits & Vegetables of the Rainbow

Decades of research has proven time and again how important fruits and vegetables are in a nutritious, balanced eating plan. Studies have shown that 7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day has the greatest effect in preventing chronic diseases. If you’re someone who can barely eat a small salad, that probably sounds pretty overwhelming! Read on for tips to start increasing your fruits and veggie intake today.

Pulque in Mexico: Synthesis of Medicinal and Mythical Properties

Pulque is a fermented drink which has been produced in Mexico for millennial. A sweet liquid (aguamiel) is extracted from the agave succulent, then left to interact with bacteria and yeasts in the environment, resulting in what is called pulque. While in pre-Hispanic times it was considered a mild intoxicant and medicinal beverage for royalty, the wise and warriors, pulque subsequently became relegated to a ferment for the masses. It has more recently been elevated to a middle and upper class drink for primarily millennials. It’s curative properties have been the subject of scientific inquiry, so we now have at least some basis for understanding the beliefs of indigenous populations of Mexico.

Is Your Health Food Really Healthy?

Get the inside details on what heath food really is from on of Louisville, KY’s top personal trainers. Find out if your getting scammed.

Can Food, And Food Logs, Be Ironic?

Has your mood ever caused you to eat differently — and worse than usual? What if the right foods could actually help your mood? This article covers that topic.

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