Doctor Breaks Jake Paul’s Punch Record

The Top 5 Stress Fighting Foods

Exercise can do amazing things for our body. It can relieve stress and boost our moods by releasing feel-good hormones, it can relieve aches and pains caused by a sedentary lifestyle and it can decrease our risk of many chronic diseases all while keeping us at (or helping us get to) a healthy weight. Did you know that certain foods can do the same?

Fueling Up With Plant-Based Proteins

Did you know that nearly all foods except highly refined products like sugar, oils and alcohol have protein? Even broccoli, peas and spinach? It’s a common misconception that most people need to eat meat to consume enough protein. Some plant-based foods are protein powerhouses and can contain even more protein per serving than an ounce of meat.

Well How Can I Work Out What My Eating Habits Are and What They Mean, Am I a Food Addict?

This piece of homework looks at what type of eating habits you have, your lifestyle and should help you to start to address any particular difficulties that you are facing. The points are general, and obviously not all will apply to you.

Healthy With Good Protein

Proteins are very important issues, both those who are trying to lose weight or who do not need to lose weight. Recent research suggests that the current recommended daily allowance of this (RDA) for healthy adults over 50 may not be adequate. Your body relies on protein to build and repair the body’s organs, muscles and bones and make enzymes, antibodies and hormones, all that is needed to keep your body running smoothly. “Complete” or high-quality protein containing all eight essential amino acids and is derived from animal sources and foods made from soy. Majority of plant proteins are” incomplete “because they do not contain all the essential amino acids. But by combining a complete protein meal, you can collect enough quality protein to be considered complete.

Healthy With Good Protein

Proteins are very important issues, both those who are trying to lose weight or who do not need to lose weight. Recent research suggests that the current recommended daily allowance of this (RDA) for healthy adults over 50 may not be adequate. Your body relies on protein to build and repair the body’s organs, muscles and bones and make enzymes, antibodies and hormones, all that is needed to keep your body running smoothly. “Complete” or high-quality protein containing all eight essential amino acids and is derived from animal sources and foods made from soy. Majority of plant proteins are” incomplete “because they do not contain all the essential amino acids. But by combining a complete protein meal, you can collect enough quality protein to be considered complete.

Coffee: To Drink Or Not To Drink?

Hands down the number one question that comes up in my practice, often taking the form of a statement – “I am ready to learn healthy habits, but I am not giving up my coffee”. Learn the truth about coffee consumption here.

Detox, Lose Weight and Fight Cancer With Kale

Kale has been gaining popularity among the health conscious and those generally concerned about getting fit. It is a natural way of losing weight, detoxifying and in fighting cancer. In fact it has been dubbed as the queen of greens because of its numerous health benefits whether cooked or raw.

Why Should We Consider Vegetables as Our Best Friend

Fresh vegetables… is there anything that sounds more appealing than that simple phrase? That could mean that a farm stand is just around the corner, it could mean that your pantry has just been re-stocked and waits like an artist’s palette for you to create a culinary masterpiece, or it could be the answer to “what’s for dinner?”

Eating to Achieve Your Goals – Macro Nutrients

A generic article to cover the basics of eating to achieve your results for fitness, sport and body image. It does not take much money or time to achieve the meals in the kitchen for the results in the gym.

Low-Fat and Fat-Free Are Just Plain Wrong

A client recently confided, “I can’t stop thinking about food. I only keep healthy foods in my house, nothing with sugar, but I find myself running out to lunch for cheeseburgers and french fries.” Hmmmm. Something didn’t add up.

Natural Food As The Best Source for Vitamins and Nutrition

The way that the body works is complex, but one thing should be understood when you are seeking to enjoy optimal nutrition – it is best to get all that you need from your food. Though the modern world seems to favor instant remedies and lots of over the counter health solutions, it is not that wise to rely on pills to give you nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

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