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What’s Up Carrot?

The carotenoids you need, the Vitamin A, and tons of fiber, these little super-packages of foods are simply perfect. Despite diabetics being told to avoid it, this veggie has a low glycemic load. It’s perfect for everyone, even diabetics when part of a healthy diet.

Why the Blood Type Diet Is Perfect for Everyone

The blood type diet approach was popularized by Dr. Peter D’Adamo and his bestselling book, “Eat Right for Your Type”. Using your blood type is a simple way to determine an immunologically friendly, or an anti-inflammatory diet for an individual.

The Best Supplements for Type AB’s

Doctors in general pay little attention to blood types when providing recommendations on supplements or vitamins. They pay more attention to factors such as a patient’s age, sex, current health, and activity levels.

Seven of the Most Popular Antioxidant Fruits

Aside from herbs and vegetables, consumption of fresh fruits has been known to be the best way to keep our body naturally healthy and strong. Fresh fruits not only provide essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals but most importantly, they provide fibers and enzymes. Enzymes and fibers help our body to function properly in the process of absorption of nutrients.

Shift Work Snacks – How To Have Your Chocolate And Eat It Too!

When you work shift work it’s really easy to snack on all sorts of junk food. If you’re feeling fatigued all of the time you just want to grab the fastest source of food you can get yours hands on. And for most shift workers, this typical shift work diet falls into the ‘very unhealthy’ category.

Curbing Cravings Naturally

Do you ever ask yourself, “Why do I crave chocolate?” or “Why do I crave salty foods?” Your cravings might be telling you what nutrients your body may be lacking. This article explains how to curb your cravings naturally through the use of diet and supplementation. Feel like your dragging through the day or do you always want pizza? With the help of nutritional medicine you can fight back those cravings that can sometimes wreck your diet. Prescribe your own health and learn how to become a healthier happier you.

Cardiovascular Benefits of Eating Vegetables

Eating a healthy and balanced diet plays an important role in promoting a healthy heart. Adding fruits and vegetables in the diet proves to be an effective strategy in protecting and strengthening one’s because of the nutritional value they provide. A good diet for the heart is composed of fruits and vegetables which contain essential nutrients that have the capacity to enhance heart health.

The Benefits Of Fish Oil: What Does Fish Oil Do?

For good reasons many people immediately think of ‘snake oil’ when they here the word ‘nutritional supplements’. Unlike many other supplements, fish oil is actually scientifically proven to have positive effects on your health. Read this article to learn why many scientists recommend fish oil.

How To Get BPA Out Of Your Kitchen And Out Your Bloodstream

Why is glass so important? BPA, (found in most plastic containers) is also known as bis-phenol A, is a toxic ingredient that mimics estrogen in your body. Estrogen mimicking compounds are known to increase the risk of cancer. This chemical BPA, builds up in your tissues and can only be cleansed by sweating. And if you don’t shower right away to rinse this plastic ooze off of your skin, the BPA soaks right back in! Yikes! This chemical not only mimics estrogen but can block other hormones from doing their jobs. That includes sex hormones… want a stronger libido? How about a thicker beard? Or how about just having a more regular menstrual cycle? Get the BPA out of your kitchen, out of your bloodstream, and help get it out of the stores!

No Calorie Counting, No Portion Control: Welcome to the Paleo Diet Basics

Find out how to lose weight effortlessly and be in the best health you have ever been in without calorie counting or portion control. This is not a diet program, it’s the diet our bodies were programmed for.

Various Sources of Citric Acid

Ever wondered why you pucker your face every time you bite into a sour fruit? If it hasn’t crossed your mind as yet, I shall let you in on the fact that, you are biting into a fruit high in citric acid. I bet you’d think that only citrus fruits are sources of citric acid. Have a glimpse at the other sources of citric acid listed here.

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