‘It Is What It Is’ Syndrome
Apathy is reaching epidemic proportions. The world is starving for attention and the only way to care for it is to commit to feeding ourselves holistically and retraining our bodies, minds and spirits to do what we’re here to do.
Food Dehydrators – Why Everyone Should Have OneYou might ask why you would want to dehydrate your food since it seems like they would take something away from the food instead of adding to it, but this is actually not the case. The dehydrating process allows the food to maintain nearly 100% of the nutrients. Often as little as 1% of the nutritional value will be lost but normally all the vitamin C and fiber is retained, magnesium and potassium remain unaffected, and you’ll love the tasty range of pure flavors. Best of all, as much as a decade later your food will be as nutritional as it was before dehydrating and the process even suppresses the growth of micro-forms like bacteria. There are many different dehydrators available for purchase in all different sizes. Find one that works for you and start storing food and saving money. The one time investment is well worth the money you will save in the long run along with the convenience of being able to store food. There is no real drawback to having a food dehydrator in the home and it’s an investment well worth making.
Get Your Summer Vitamin DVitamin D is important. Find out why and where to get it (in foods and the sun).
How Drinking Water May Help You Lose WeightThe benefits of drinking plenty of water are so many. Our bodies are made of about 70% water yet some people deprive their bodies of water, which is a free readily available drink. By drinking lots of water every day, you will begin to feel better after losing weight. If you have been wondering if water helps in losing weight, then here are the top five reasons why and how drinking water will help you lose weight.
Modifying the Concept of Fitness in Hotel GymsWhat is the original concept of hotel gymnasiums? While the set-up, equipment and systems vary in different hotels, the use of modern equipment has already been introduced. Some of these are the TRX suspension complete body training kit, functional training areas and vibrating platform exercise machines.
What Calorie Intake Do You Need In Order To Lose Weight?When you want to lose weight and achieve the figure you always wanted, the main problem might be the conflicting information you keep getting. Some of the so called experts will tell you to eat certain foods while avoiding others.
A 100% Whole Food Natural Energy Boost That’s Easy on Your AdrenalsLearn how one simple superfood can boost your energy without hurting your adrenal glands. It’s been used for over 2000 years, really easy to get and way better than Coffee, Tea or any other energy booster.
What Your Nails Say About Your Vitamin Intake – Top 6 Signs That You’re DeficientYour nails are great indicators of your overall health, and if you are running low in vital nutrients, your nails will tell you. This article describes your nails’ top six signals that you might be running low in vitamins or minerals.
Top 10 Non-Dairy Calcium Booster FoodsWe need a regular supply of calcium to maintain heart and muscle function, otherwise our body withdraws calcium from our bones. If you’re looking for an alternative to dairy for your calcium supplies, here are ten versatile foods you can eat as part of any meal or even as healthy snacks.
Eating The Best Food Sources For Resveratrol Doesn’t Mean Your Body Will BenefitThe simple truth is that consuming the best food sources for resveratrol will not assure that the nutrient will end up in your bloodstream. There is one unique solution to this problem.
Linking Diet and AutismIt’s no surprise that the numbers on obesity are exploding in this country with nearly 60% of the country heading that direction, and half of those people already being considered obese. There is one other number that is also on the rise in this country as well, and that is Autism. Autism is a disorder that affects the development of social and communication skills in children younger than 3.