Leaves Of Edible Plants Make High-Fiber Diet Rich In Proteins, Vitamins And Minerals
An unbalanced diet can lead to a host of health problems that may be prevented by eating moderate amounts of leaves of known plant species. An excellent source of fiber, edible leaves contain good quantities of proteins, vitamins and minerals. By cooking the leaves, in most cases, the excessive heat will kill off any toxic chemicals. The Kon Tum province of Vietnam, for instance, offers a distinctly unique leaf salad, consisting of 40 to 50 kinds of leaves, half of which can only be gathered from nearby forests. Then, there is a Thai street food where wild pepper leaves are folded into bite-sized cones to be filled with assorted foods. Further, from a small Hakka-Chinese village of Malaysia, are some confectionery experts in 3 local artisan leaf cakes, made from medicinal weeds growing profusely in that region. Eating leaves, can be pretty exciting to an otherwise plain plant-based diet and it is totally satisfying, as you will see.
Green Juicing For Beginners – 10 Basic TipsJuicing is a great way to enjoy the goodness of fresh raw vegetables. Living a busy laptop lifestyle means time is often short. These tips show you a way to meet your goal of green juicing everyday without changing your routine.
Food Is Fuel For Your Body, Choose WiselyWith so much junk food readily available for our consumption, it’s no surprise that obesity and its related illnesses are on the rise. We as consumers blindly purchase the foods, without knowing exactly what we are eating. While some may read labels to look at calories and macronutrients, they completely disregard the ingredients.
What Is Normal Changes In A Child’s Growth Curve?I am asked to evaluate growth curves and assess normal weight gain in infants, toddlers and children on an almost daily basis. Naturally, a decline or acceleration in a child’s growth curves can make a caregiver extremely anxious about their child’s nutrition and development. However, some fluctuations in growth curves may be perfectly normal and no cause for alarm.
Be in Better Control by Having a Healthy Snack List for You and Your ChildrenHaving a system in place is a better way of control than just picking at random. This especially applies when it comes to food which determines our health. This is why many people are looking for a healthy snack list, because sometimes is the need to take food throughout the day without accumulating too much fat in the body.
New Health Program? Don’t Make These Mistakes!It’s fantastic to start a new fitness and nutrition program for your health. But don’t let these common mistakes derail your efforts.
Paint Your Plate PinkFruits and vegetables include generous amounts of nutrients that are beneficial. The fruits in this post are particularly good choices to help keep you in the pink of health.
Healthy Summer Foods To Indulge In and Others Not ToEating and staying healthy is not always easy but a must in every household. Staying healthy should be your second nature in life. Smart food choices can keep you fit and healthy all summer long.
Ways to Prune and Harvest OlivesPruning is generally the removal of excessive branches and leaves from a tree or a shrub in order to enhance its growth. Most fruit bearing trees require pruning once in a while in order to encourage its capabilities of producing better quality leaves and fruits. It requires a technique in order to make sure that the tree or the plant is intact without causing harm to it.
Juice Recipes For Health – List Of Fruits And Vegetables You Must TryThe health benefits of raw and fresh fruits and vegetables cannot be matched. Equipped with a high quality juicer, you can reap all the benefits and have a fun time trying out the different fruits and vegetables that make healthy delicious juices. You can play around with mixing the fruits and vegetables to come up with unique juice recipes for health. Here is a list of some of the easiest to juice, but nutrient packed fruits and vegetables you should consider trying.
Set A Weight Loss One Week Goal To NOT Eat OutOne of the main the problems everyone faces when going out to eat is that we have no control over the amount of food that is served. Even when a salad is ordered, often times that one simple option which most people assume to be “healthy” can easily surpass the 1,000 calorie mark all due to what’s added and the portion size served. Therefore if you want to challenge yourself a little bit, set a one week weight loss goal not to eat out one single time. Can you do it??