Sports Nutrition/Diet: Pre-Event, Intra-Event, and Post-Event Meals for Maximum Glycogen Stores
The nutritional requirements of athletes during regular season can be separated according to three main periods relating to the sport in question. Characterized as a pre-event meal, post-event meal, and energy requirements and fluid during the event.
Creatine: High-Performance Supplementation in Bodybuilding and Other SportsCreatine is not an amino acid, but rather a compound containing nitrogen, known as an amine. Creatine is found in some foods, especially meat products, but it can also be synthesized by the kidney and liver. An average person needs about 2 grams of creatine a day. The normal intake of creatine is close to 1 g / day for people who eat meat, but can be zero for pure vegetarians (since such individuals do not consume any meat products). The endogenous production of creatine supplements dietary creatine in order to meet the body’s daily creatine requirement of 2 grams.
Spirulina’s Benefits and Nutritional Value As the Natural Food With the Highest Nutrient ContentSpirulina is a type of blue-green microalgae, which has existed in lakes with an alkaline pH since 40,000 years ago. The green part of its appearance is due to chlorophyll, while the blue part of its appearance is due to a protein called phycocyanin. Spirulina is considered to be the natural food with the most nutrients in the world. In fact, fresh spirulina comprises more than 100 nutritional components, a number greater than any other known plant or herb. This fact has resulted in spirulina being recognized worldwide as the most important dietary supplement for energy and weight control.
Probiotics and Your Immune SystemProbiotics can promote good health very effectively. Learn how to use probiotics to strengthen your immune system to prevent or treat disease.
Organic Food: Know the BenefitsOrganic foods are here to stay. Are you familiar with the most important benefits you get from eating them? This article outlines and explains the most important ones. If you want to be healthy, go organic. Your health and the environment shall be rewarded.
Dangerous Ingredients In FoodDangerous ingredients in food are plentiful. This is just a small list of what you should avoid when you read labels. And it is important that you read labels.
Effects of Alcohol on Physical PerformanceIf there is one way people love to celebrate…its by chugging down some serious booze! But…have you ever thought of what that alcohol does to your body especially your physical performance? Well…..lets take a look at what Alcohol does to the aspiring fitness enthusiast
Acidosis – The Silent KillerEver wonder why in spite of all your efforts in the gym and the unbelievable amounts of food you eat, you just cant gain muscle. What’s worse, you are gaining fat instead! And then you are sitting there wondering… Stop wondering and find out the one factor that could not only be killing your muscle gain efforts but maybe your body itself!
How Unhealthy Is Gluten?There is a lot of talk about gluten these days. Some people say it’s good for you, some people say its bad for you. So, we decide to decode this gluten madness for you, so can you really know if gluten really is that bad for you?
Pros and Cons of a Gluten Free DietThere are many pros and cons of a gluten free diet, and many things you should know that are important also. If you are either choosing this diet plan, or have been instructed by your doctor, you may be wondering if there are side effects, or how your body is going to react to the changes. Lets look at some of the benefits of a gluten free diet.
Why the Beet May Be the Most Powerful AntioxidantBetalains support the structure and performance of the cell. In addition they work to counteract harmful toxins by helping your natural cleansing processes and as well depleting away accumulations of damaging waste materials.