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Low Fat or Low Carbohydrate Diet?

The whole idea behind a low fat diet came from the fact that it was the cause of heart disease, which as matter a fact has never been proven, but came on the background of observational and cohort studies. However, what we do know from abundance of research is that carbohydrates is the “bad” guy and not fat or even saturated fat.

Gas and Bloating: Why Your Sugar-Free Gum May Be To Blame

If you have a sweet tooth but you’re concerned about the negative health impacts of sugar, then eating low-sugar and sugar-free foods may sound like a sweet deal. Unfortunately if you have certain digestive complaints, then these foods may actually be working against you. This article provides an introduction to some common sugar substitutes, where they can be found, and the pros and cons of choosing them over sugar.

Nutrition On A Budget

Most people have for long cited low income and financial problems to be great hindrances to their efforts of loosing weight and taking good nutrition. Actually, even though there is no doubt to the fact that most low cost foods are associated with low nutritional value, the truth is that this is not always the case. You don’t have to break a bank or spend a fortune to enjoy good nutrition. There are some worthwhile ideas that can help you achieve desired nutrition on a budget.

What Are the Benefits of Probiotics?

Probiotics claim to benefit us in a large number of ways by helping with a large number of potential problems. In this article we are going to briefly cover the two roles that these active and living bacteria play in our bodies and how they help with certain health problems that could occur throughout our lives.

Eating Healthy On The Road

If you are planning a road trip, there is no doubt that you will want to eat any food that you find on the road and you will careless about its health effects. After all it is a family trip where food and extreme enjoyment is the order of the day. Unfortunately, you have no idea of how such food could be unhealthy for your body if you are not careful.

What Is the Relation Between Health and Nutrition?

Nutrition plays a key role to keep your body healthy & fit. Through this article, We are going to Introduce you the role of nutritional supplements in life.

A Healthy New You!

Staying healthy and living longer basically go together. There is nothing magical about staying healthy. It is all about being disciplined and focused. What you take lightly today might just come around and haunt you in future if you are careless with your body.

3 “Health” Myths Debunked

There are too many “health gurus” out there trying to sell the public on the next weight loss product while completely ignoring science. This article will dispel a few health myths and put you on the path to optimal health and fitness.

Sour Cherry Health Benefits

Sour cherry health benefits have gotten a lot of positive news over the past few years. This is of course because of the many things built into this small fruit that make them so potent. Here is some good information about just what sour cherries, or cherries in general can do for you.

Why Should You Take Royal Jelly in Honey

Royal jelly in honey is preferred when one is not interested in treating a given disease. The blend is necessary for improving overall body health. If there are diseases within your body, the two bee products will boost your recovery.

The Palaeo Diet – What Is It?

The concept The basic argument centres on the fact that 99.9% of our genes were formed 10,000 years ago by the beginning of the Neolithic or agricultural era. By logical argument proponents of this argument suggest that we are better suited to the Palaeolithic ( over 10,000 years ago) diet, since this is what we evolved with.

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