Superfood: Chaga Mushroom
If you haven’t heard of the medicinal Chaga mushroom, this article is for you. The Inonotus obliquus is a fungus that grows on trees by feeding off the lignins without damaging the integrity of the tree itself.
Are Protein Bars Making You Fat?Protein is one of the most essential nutrients that help in building muscles and maintaining health. Since it is not always convenient to have a good meal of protein, especially after intensive workouts or any crucial games and even if you lead a very hectic life, most people depend on the protein and nutritional bars that are easily available at the stores today.
Most Effective Weight Loss Foods: Growing And Eating Yacon And Winged BeanInstead of yacon syrup, you should eat the yacon root which is of high water content. The yacon plant comes equipped with 2 sets of roots – larger ones for you to eat, smaller ones for planting. With roots and leaves full of antioxidants, the yacon is a most nutritious addition, especially to the diet of diabetics and weight-watchers. Another easy to plant vegetable is a legume, the winged bean; with its high protein supply. What makes it so worthwhile to grow is that every part of this plant is edible and delicious. The winged bean, rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, offers a solution to countries with problems of malnutrition. More specifically, the young pods are an excellent way of replenishing your folate supply; the young leaves, for vitamins A and C and fiber, while the tubers, for proteins and vitamin B. Low in calories and cholesterol, these beans are so airy-fairy light to the point of being unsubstantial.
Why Calcium Is Necessary For Our BodyCalcium plays a vital role in the strengthening and the development of our bones. Calcium plays an important role in bone health and muscle contraction.
Native Foods: Edible Flowers Of Tonkin Jasmine, Moringa, Banana, Papaya, Durian And PumpkinEdible flowers, a nutritious food source are mostly overlooked in cooking, though they are more commonly used for cake decorations and in fruit and flower arrangements or bouquets To Jiao Mingyao, a cooking expert, the flowers of a plant can be eaten if the roots, stems, leaves and fruits of the plant are edible. In preparing edible flowers for cooking, he would first poach them in salt water before making a stir fry, soup or porridge with the flowers.
You Eat What Your Food Ate!About 3500 years ago, the Israelites were given instructions about foods they should eat and foods they should avoid. These instructions were written in several places in the Bible, including in the book of Leviticus, chapter ll. Any fish you eat should have both fins and scales. Any animal you eat should chew the cud, part the hoof, and be cloven-footed.
Stuff About Sugar and AppetiteThis article covers specific ways that sugar can affect appetite. Most of them are due to brain chemicals affected by sugar. The changes in appetite include both food quantity and food preferences.
Lower Your Cholesterol With These 5 Natural FoodsOur bodies need Cholesterol to build and maintain cell membranes, to convert sunshine to vitamin D and for a whole host of other important functions. On the other hand, an increase in the cholesterol levels can lead to major health risks and even culminate in death. This increase is diagnosed as a condition called hypercholesterolemia, where cholesterol accumulates along artery walls and increases the risk of developing heart disease. Apart from medication, you can also make use of these natural, tried and tested ways to lower your cholesterol.
Back to School – 4 Quick Lunches for You or Your KidsAs much as I enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the summer, I do enjoy getting back to the routine of fall. Whether or not you or kids in your family are in school, fall is a time when there is a shift and with that may come a shift in eating habits as well.
Do You Know About World Vegetarian Day?Humorous essay about my life as a vegetarian. It raises the question, “Can you be a vegetarian and not binge?”
Splendiferous Whole Grain Foods: Whole Rice, Bamboo Rice, Foxtail Millet And SorghumGrains should be handled naturally and not tampered with so much as in processes that help shorten cooking time. Most Asians never tire of eating the rice staple day in, day out because will go down very well with whatever accompanying foods they choose to eat. It is ideal, then, to have most common grains, which are acidic foods, paired with alkalizing foods like cruciferous vegetables or leafy greens, for a dose of proteins. Next, bamboo rice tastes like wheat and is more nutritious than rice, but the supply is inconsistent. Then there is the foxtail millet which is versatile in cooking and is the staple food in India and North China. As for the gluten-free sorghum, it is often paired with with corn, mushrooms and oranges for a complete source of protein.