You Cannot Hide What You Eat
In my Internet travels this week I came across the phrase, “What you eat in private you wear in public.” For most, the phrase conjures an image of a former skinny chick replacing her latest ex beau with not one but two trusted companions, Ben & Jerry, in the privacy of her own home. It’s a superficial solution-one that usually doesn’t rear its ugly head until you’re ready to leave for a swanky soiree of sorts and take that final glance in the mirror. The cause and effect relationship is apparent in these scenarios; a kindergartner could grasp homegirl overindulged.
All Green Tea Isn’t Created With the Same Amount of AntioxidantsGreen tea has long been known in Asia for its antioxidant qualities, and more people in Europe and the United States are making this beverage part of their diet. The catechin polyphenol that makes green tea one of the top sources for antioxidants is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), and I promise that’s the last time I bring up the name again. But when you choose your green tea, just any green tea might not yield all the health benefits you were hoping for.
A Meat-Free Diet Is More Than Just a Food ChoiceWhy do people choose to have a meat-free diet? It can be for several reasons. And while some choose a meat-free vegetarian diet, others choose a completely animal-free, vegan diet and choose to not only abstain from eating animals, but also animal products such as dairy and eggs. But whether vegetarian or vegan, the choice usually goes far beyond just being a diet.
Choosing a Household Water FilterHousehold water filters come in various types and sizes. Choose one that’s right for your house and budget, and gives your family cleaner, healthier water.
11 Nutritional Superfoods That You Must Add to Your ListHealth and wellness starts from nourishing yourself from the inside out. Here are 11 nutrient rich foods that you must add to your shopping list.
Importance of Contract Manufacturing: An OverviewContract manufacturers have taken up the task of manufacturing medicines, tablets, dietary supplements and other drugs. They take care of manufacturing, packing, labelling with utmost care to ensure safety. They adhere to the safety standards and guidelines to produce necessary potencies in the products.
Vitamin D: Benefits and SourcesVitamin D is an essential vitamin. However, majority of people in the United States are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency today. This article contains the major sources as well as benefits of Vitamin D intake in the daily nutrition.
3 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss – The Key To Lifelong SuccessHave you ever been disappointed that after trying diet after diet, you found that you had actually gained weight? Losing weight requires a new way of thinking and hard work; it is never easy.
The Truth About Protein IntakeWe have all been hearing the same story from just about every single trainer, body builder, and internet marketer on the subject, you have to eat protein and you have to eat a lot of it. If it were that simple this article would come to an albeit brief conclusion, but there is a little more to it than that. First, the real reason why it is critical to your diet is because it is the building block of all muscle tissue in your body.
Nutrition: The Cause Of The Office Workers DemiseWhether you’re an entrepreneur, business professional, writer, or technology mogul, chances are you spend a lot of time in an office. At home, at work, it makes no difference.
Benefits Of A Sugar Free DietWe all know that too much sugar is bad for our teeth and may lead to weight gain, but what other negative effects can sugar have on the body? This articles discusses the benefits of removing refined sugar from the diet completely.