Every Part Of Your Body That Makes “Stones”

Foods High In Trans Fats May Affect Your Mood

Snippy and irritable and not sure why? Eating a diet full of foods high in trans fats has been associated with negative, even aggressive, behaviors according to some intriguing new research. It may be that those trans fat laden goodies you’re wolfing down are causing problems not only to your body, but to how you feel as well.

Vitamin D and Calcium – Working Together For Strong Bones

A dietary supplement needs to act with any other medications that are being taken and have something to offer to various other parts and functions of the body. Two supplements that work well together to make the body healthier are Vitamin D and calcium. Together, vitamin D and calcium provide many benefits to the body’s functions and are needed for healthy bones and teeth. Failure to have adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D in the body can lead to osteoporosis, a disease that affects approximately 10 million adults in the United States. Without vitamin D, calcium cannot accomplish its required tasks within the body.

Easy Meals for Bodybuilders or Fitness Buffs

You’ve heard your Personal Trainer say it a thousand times “eat more protein!” And whether you are a cardio queen who’s focus is weight loss and losing inches around the waist, or a hardcore bodybuilder who wants to add inches to his biceps, this is good advice. Protein shakes and meal bars are great quick fixes for on the go people but the best nutrition sources are real food. No trainer or nutrition supplement rep can deny that.

Healthy Meals for Healthy Families

Helping your family enjoy healthy meals together can sometimes be a battle. Maybe some family members are concerned with healthy eating habits while others want their favorite standby’s. Here are proven ideas to get you on your way to providing healthy meals for your family.

Tips For Getting The Most From Juicing

The truth of the matter is that homemade juice is a nutritionally sound technique that will detoxify the body, enhance the immune system and boost your health. Drinking freshly squeezed juice provides the body with nutrients with a fast delivery of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, carbohydrates, chlorophyll and countless other nutrients derived from plants, which is exactly what the body needs. Fresh juice also delivers the nutrients straight into the body within a matter of minutes, as it doesn’t need to be digested in the way that fruits and vegetables do. This article will provide some tips and hints that can point you in the right direction.

Tips and Recipes To Add to Your Juicing Diet

A juicing diet involves the pure liquid content of fruits and vegetables extracted by means of a juice extractor, which is a worthwhile investment given its purpose. Reviews on drinking natural juices to replace other foods are not recommended beyond 5-7 days.  However, the American Cancer society approves of some amount of juicing incorporated in a regular balanced diet; the packed nutrients and anti-oxidant benefits may help reduce the risks of developing certain types of cancer.

Realistic Exercise and Diet Lead to Pain Free Results

Think back to all you heard about good nutrition. You’ll recall that one tip given all through the century is to eat raw fruits and vegetables as often as possible. That’s because high heat (anything above 105 to 116 degrees F, depending on the food) tends to destroy some of the vitamin and mineral content of the food. It also destroys the beneficial enzymes (which help you properly digest the food).

Proper Nutrition for Athletes

Proper nutrition is an essential part of living a healthy life; this is even truer when considering nutrition for athletes. Athletes who are more active or are engaged in a sport need to have a well-balanced diet. Including the proper nutrition that the body needs will help you stay healthy and energized.

Enjoy the Incredible Benefits of Honey

Honey is a real miracle of nature, which has numerous benefits for the human health and beauty. People all over the world acknowledge its amazing properties and have made it part of their daily diet.

Pay Attention to Child Nutrition

Paying attention to the nutrition of your child in early age is essential, because if the child has healthy eating habits, he will grow up to be a strong and healthy man. On the contrary, if he is fed unhealthy food, it may result in his body being weak and unable to fight against the foreign particles that invade the body.

Understanding Cholesterol – More Than Good and Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol has been viewed by the public as being bad for you. Most people associate cholesterol as fat that will clog their arteries. It is far more complex than that.

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