Be Wise While Choosing Fatty Diets
Earlier, all of us used to think that dietary fats are highly harmful and they cause many diseases like heart ailments, diabetes and blood pressure-related problems. A lot of research has taken place about them and it has now been found that there are good fats that can benefit our health also. Of course, bad fats and very bad fats will certainly harm our health.
Summer Time HydrationWhy is hydration so important during summer and when working out? How do we determine how much hydration we need?
Four Foods That Burn Fat And Build Muscle For A Better BodyThere are many fat burning foods but some are better than others. All of them, however, are great choices if you are starting a lose fat gain muscle program. When you want to gain muscle to get stronger or just look a little more buff, you must concentrate your nutrition on foods that will work with you, not against you.
4 Ways To Get A High Protein DietWhen you think about the minerals that you need for building muscle, you cannot help but to think of a high protein diet. Not having enough proteins in your system may be the reason why you are not getting the muscles that you are looking for. The problem is that some people just do not know how to go about getting more of that food for muscle growth, so they get stuck without much result.
3 Foods For MuscleIf you are looking to get in top shape and building mass is your top priority then you should be looking at what and how you eat. You should think of the foods for muscle that you need because food is the ultimate mass gainer weapon that you have. That is not something that you will hear from many diet books, and that is because most of the diets that you read about will work to keep you skinny.
Do You Believe Everything “Green” Is Good for You? Benefits of Green Food“Green” is the heart of America and it means money and wealth, although in the last twenty years, green has come to mean conservation of our environment. The symbolism of “GREEN” is global. Globally “Green” means hope, life, growth and the ability to move forward like the message of a green traffic light. Most citizens of other countries want a Green Card (Tarjeta Verde) to come to America for a better life.
My Ayurvedic Diet – Post 1So, I started seeing an Ayurveda nutritionist over 2 months ago because I wanted to see if a constitution-based diet would give me more energy. I have a couple friends doing so and they swear by it.
The Juicing ExperimentI’ve been contemplating this word discipline lately. My juicing experiment was initially more about discipline than anything else.
Food Labelling Is Fast To Say The Least!Who else wants to discover how to shop for food items? We are lead blind folded around in stores! Reading food labels, the print is small, you need more than just reading glasses. Only one look at the fine print and most people give up. Labels are also not transparent enough to get the full message and information we should have.
Eat Your Fruits and Juice Your VegetablesMany of you have heard the saying “You are what you eat”. To be your best, you must eat the best. No one said that was an easy way to live in our culture, but if you are motivated to lose weight, look and feel younger, increase your energy, have better digestion, live longer, recover from a chronic illness, avoid surgery and prescription drugs and protect yourself from developing a dangerous disease, then you have compelling reasons for eating healthfully.
Plan Your Meals With Muscles In MindOnce you have decided to go on a muscle building mission, you should prepare yourself to change your eating habits. Do away with all the empty, fat storing calories and replace your meals and snacks with foods that give you the best nutrition value with the least amount of calories. Plan your muscle building meals an entire week ahead of time.