Is Margarine Healthy?
Although I’m fine with how margarine tastes, I’ve seen some disturbing “facts” on the internet about how bad it is. I needed to find out if it really was so unhealthy as was being claimed.
8 Powerful Reasons to Cook With Herbs and SpicesCutting down on salt and replacing it with herbs and spices will help transform your meals from ordinary to extraordinary. In addition, there are many health benefits that you can reap from cooking with herbs and spices.
Why Is IRON Important for Children?Though I believe in a balanced diet, there are times when we need to focus on specific nutrients as their deficiency can be a cause of concern. With exam fever in the air, I decided to write about “iron”, a nutrient that can really contribute to a child’s growth and performance! I am not talking about deficiency among children whose families are prone to malnourishment due to lack of access, this is about children from well to do families! A review of studies done in middle and high income families show that “Anaemia” due to iron deficiency is prevalent among anywhere between 14 to 88%! Also many teenage girls are at risk for iron deficiency when they hit puberty. The Hindu (March 9 th 2013) quoted the National Family Health Survey, mentioning that one out of two adolescent girls suffer from aneamia! So this is an issue that can very well be present in our households!
The Power of BreakfastWith the setting in of the ‘back to school’ routine, I decided this will be a good time to write about the ‘power of breakfast’. In my interaction with children I have noticed that many are unable to eat a good breakfast before they leave for school. The reasons could vary from schools starting early in the north, to getting up late for the teens (when sleep becomes more important than meals!) or a fussy eater who just cannot manage to eat in the morning. I would like to use this occasion to reiterate the popular saying ‘eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper’ does exist for a good reason!
If The Paleo Craze Is Great – Why Is Neolithic Even Better?America’s #1 Paleo Physician, Al Sears, MD, explains why the Paleo Diet and going back to our natural eating traditions is so important in staying lean and healthy in the modern world. Dr. Sears discusses the Paleo lifestyle and explains why it is so healthy even if it might not be named correctly.
Nutritional Deficiencies – At the Root of Many Health ProblemsOur bodies are stressed out these days from all of the exposure it gets on a daily basis: toxic drugs (including sugar, caffeine and excess alcohol), lack of sleep, medications that strip the body of nutrients, metals in our: antacids, baking soda (aluminum), calcium supplements (lead), vaccinations (mercury), dental fillings (mercury), toxic environmental chemicals from factories, additives and toxins in our foods (pesticides), toxic molds and electromagnetic waves (microwaves, cell phones, electrical wires). The list goes on and on. If there’s ever a time that our body needs more support on an around clock, daily basis, it is NOW…
The Smart Meter ViolationSometimes I feel as though I live in a haze, clear of what I see in front of me and naive to what’s around me. I just learned that since June 2012 a SMART meter was installed by Southern California Edison on my residential property, entirely unbeknownst to me. I do not recall ever receiving contact that this instrument would be installed on my property and did not believe that Edison nor any other company would have the right to do so.
7 Key Points to Understand Why Vitamins and Minerals Are Important for HealthVitamins and minerals are essential for health and fitness, and it is important to identify foods which contain normal dietary requirements of these supplements. Vitamins can be harmful if high levels are ingested, and therefore a knowledge of which foods help to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet is essential in order to maintain optimal fitness. Here are 7 important points to help explain why vitamins and minerals are important as part of our daily diet in order to improve fitness and to stay healthy.
3 Ways to Supercharge Your JuicesIf you’re juicing, then you already know the health benefits. However, there food pairings for juicing that will maximize your body’s ability to absorb the most nutrients. This will also increase your body’s ability to fight off what it needs to fight off to keep you going strong!
Eating Healthy During Summer HolidaysSummer is here. Children are excited about their break, travel plans, and of course the freedom from routine. Even until a decade ago, children spent most of their time playing outside during the summer breaks, easily getting their daily quota of physical activity. Indoor board games and television watching were of course there, but with fewer channels and outdoor play was more fun.
Do You Know How to Read Nutrition Labels?I spoke to a group of parents and children on how to read nutrition labels this weekend and decided it will be good to blog about this for a larger audience. From my experience, even among the educated, ‘Nutrition Literacy’ is far from where it should be and learning to read nutrition labels can be a good starting point.