Boxer Is Lucky To Be Alive After Punch By Thor (Strongest Man)

Uh-Oh Hot Dog!

In my last article, I talked about how researchers concluded that a Southern diet that contains foods such as fried chicken and hot dogs was bad for you. I then offered a solution to eat what you want without it negatively affecting your health. I guess just thinking or writing about food in this instance causes one to crave the food on your mind.

How Do I Find the Time for a Raw Food Diet?

So, How do I find the time for Raw? First up – its a Mindset Thing.

7 Danger Foods to Avoid for Healthy Living

There are many foods out there that are advertised as being healthy, but are actually dangerous to your well being. Avoid these 7 dangerous foods if you wish to maintain proper nutrition.

The Health Benefits of Eggs

Eggs when eaten in moderation, are among the healthiest sources of complete protein. Eggs are nutrient rich and contain ingredients that can boost overall health. Learning more about the health benefits of eggs could make you consider adding them as a part of your healthy diet.

Top 5 Diet Myths Debunked

There are so many health food claims today. How do you know what you should eat to be healthy? Read more to find five common diet myths debunked!

Sweet Potatoes Are Kid-Friendly

Sweet potatoes are easier to incorporate into your child’s diet than you think. They are delicious and nutritious and an important aspect of a healthy diet. Look here for interesting and delicious ways to serve sweet potatoes to your family as a way to encourage a healthier lifestyle.

Why Crash Dieting Is Killing Your Progress (and What to Do About It)

Crash diets will leave you feeling worse than ever before! Learn why they are killing your weight loss progress and see what you need to do instead.

Are You Still Sticking To Your New Years Resolutions?

All people have different wishes and goals in their lives, but there is one point that is common for the majority of New Year’s resolutions: ‘eat healthier’. You have probably done the same thing this year too; you have placed that important goal in your resolution, but you still fail to complete it on a daily basis.

‘Good’ Foods Gone Bad: Healthy Foods That Can Be Bad For You

Some healthy foods might not be as healthy as you think. Here we look at a few foods which have some hidden nasties.

Why Eating Healthy Isn’t Enough

We can’t get all our required nutrients from our foods alone. Choosing fulvic minerals will help restore imbalances and allow you to throw out all other vitamin supplements.

Fitness Tip: How Does Fitness And Nutrition Go Together?

Once you understand how nutrition and your body work, your workouts will get better. Learn how to combined nutrition and fitness together and you’ll get that rockin’ body!

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