Andolyn Medina: KURV in Mcallen Talk Radio

How To Combat High Cholesterol – Know How To Combat High Cholesterol Without Using Drugs

If you ever wondered how to combat high cholesterol without using drugs then you need to pay close attention to this article. It could very well prevent you from having cardiovascular problems down the road.

7 Simple Secrets To Great Health!

An article offering 7 brilliant ways to boost your health. As well as being easy to implement, they’re also cheap and rewarding.

7 Simple Ways To Boost Your Energy!

An article offering seven great tips on boosting energy. These tips are healthy, easy to implement and cheap to do.

Health and Wellness: 10 Reasons Why Vitamin Supplementation Doesn’t Work (Or Do They?)

“The latest studies on vitamins have some medical experts saying “case closed” – it’s time for most consumers to stop wasting money on multivitamins and other supplements, because they have no proven benefits and some possible harms.” USA Today – December 17, 2013. Multiple national news stories broke in December, 2013, regarding vitamins and supplementation. The ‘medical’ community has issued their verdict. Vitamins and supplements do not work and they can be dangerous.

Healthy Christmas

Christmas is a time of giving and celebration, however it is that time when excess calories can be consumed. Therefore it is important to enjoy the festivities without the possibility of an extended waistline and weight.

Juicing Berries To Stay Young, Fight Cancer, And for Health, These And Other Berry Juicing Benefits

Staying Young, Arthritis, and cancer protection all wrapped up in a great tasting package, what is it? Berries, various kinds of berries that also fight cancer.

Try Green Smoothies, To Unlock Nutrition And Great Flavor

Perhaps you’ve thought of trying juicing but are not ready to invest in a juicer. You can do almost as well with a blender. You just miss the concentrating power that a juicer brings.

Juicing For What Ails You, Reversing The Epidemic Of Obesity, Heart Disease, Cancer, And Diabetes

The Obesity, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Hypertension Pandemic Dr Dean Ornich recently stated in a “Ted Talk” that we have a pandemic going on with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. 2/3 of American adults are now obese along with 15% of children. Diabetes has increased by 70% over the past 10 years.

Reds in Season

With the arrival of the end of the year holidays I get the impression that my clients think they have a pass on doing the right thing. Not! I know there is temptation at every gathering, not to mention those good things to eat that surprisingly show up at the workplace. One of the best things about this time of year is the colorful and nutrition-filled fresh produce.

Smart Food Choices For College Students

College students often gain weight during their freshman year and some gain weight every year! Find out how you can avoid the dreaded freshman 15 with healthy and easy food choices. Recipe included!

Five Excellent Reasons Why Broccoli Leads to a Long Life

It certainly isn’t surprising news that broccoli is good for our health. Perhaps people are not as aware just what this super-food vegetable can give us. The benefits of broccoli seem endless. It is a high-fiber food that aids in digestion, supports the body’s detoxification, and may even reduce blood sugar levels due to its chromium and soluble fiber. Plus read to the end of this article as we will talk about other ways to prepare and consume broccoli if steaming it doesn’t appeal to you.

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