BETTER Movie Changing Lives

BETTER Movie Changing Lives

Change Your Eating Habits and Be Healthier It doesn’t seem fair that the typical grocery store has cheaper prices on food items not good for you. Yet fresh fruit and…

BETTER Movie BETTER Relationships?

BETTER Movie BETTER Relationships?

5 Myths About Coconut Oil and How To Start Using Them To Your Advantage Whenever it is discovered that one simple food, could easily make a bunch of synthetic pills…

BETTER Movie Audiences Reactions

BETTER Movie Audiences Reactions

The Truth Behind Calories Calories are one of the most misunderstood nutritional measures avalible today. There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding calories that inhibit diet success. Amazing Health Benefits…

Watch BETTER Movie: Why You NEED To

Watch BETTER Movie: Why You NEED To

5 Reasons To Consume Fat Burning Supplements ‘But I don’t need any sort of supplement to get rid of my fats; exercise should do the trick!’ I am sure this…

BETTER Movie Difficulties

BETTER Movie Difficulties

Taking Too Many Supplements? Supplements can be a useful tool for health, but you may find that your cupboard and routine are stocked with too many of them. Here are…



Synthetic Vitamins and Isolated Nutrients Can a car run with just adding oil or tires? No, a car requires some many other helpful components & parts to work together synergistically….

The BETTER Movie: Shame & Your Body Weight

The BETTER Movie: Shame & Your Body Weight

Supplements For Pre Workout And Post Workout Sessions Some want to look muscular, while there are many who want a physique that makes them look fit and fine. To get…

What causes wet farts? Ask Poo Doctor

What causes wet farts? Ask Poo Doctor

  Top 7 Health Benefits of Whey Protein Whey is one of the best proteins available. It contains all the 9 essential amino acids. Whey protein is a luxurious giver…

Why do farts make noise?

Why do farts make noise?

  Top Reasons Why You Should Eat Food With a High Level of Omega-3 There is an overwhelmingly large number of medical studies that back up the fact that omega-3…