How Our Heart Works? | World Heart Day 2023 #shorts #peekabookidz #worldheartday #drbinocsshow

How Our Heart Works? | World Heart Day 2023 #shorts #peekabookidz #worldheartday #drbinocsshow

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What if all Trees Were Cut Down | World Environmental Health Day #short #worldenvironmentalhealthday

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Do You Always forget Things? What Is Alzheimer’s Disease? #shorts #worldalzheimersday #forgetfulness

Where Does Gold Come From? | The Origin Of Gold | Gold Mining & Refining Process | Dr Binocs Show

Where Does Gold Come From? | The Origin Of Gold | Gold Mining & Refining Process | Dr Binocs Show

Story of Mermaids | Are Mermaids Real? #shorts #mermaids #drbinocsshow #peekabookidz

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How Mosquitoes Bite Humans | Blood Suckers Insects | World Mosquito Day #shorts #worldmosquitoday

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Left Handed People Facts | International Left Handers Day #shorts #lefthanders #drbinocsshow

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