TikToks That INFURIATE Doctors

TikToks That INFURIATE Doctors

Seven Reasons Why Humans Should Not Eat Meat Who said we should eat the flesh of another sentient being? How come the cow eats grass to grow strong and we…

Testing An AI Robot After It Watched All My Videos

Testing An AI Robot After It Watched All My Videos

Dieting Should Not Be About Subtraction It is becoming more apparent that the mass of dieting literature to flood hyperspace is leaning more towards the idea of ‘subtraction’ as a…

Doctor Reacts To Sus Medical Memes Ep. 17

Doctor Reacts To Sus Medical Memes Ep. 17

7 Foods That Boost Your Haemoglobin Count Haemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that exists in your red blood cells. Its main function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to…