Doctor Reacts To Savage Medical Memes Ep. 18
Understanding Your Paediatrician “We have turned doctors into gods and worship their deity by offering up our bodies and our souls – not to mention our worldly goods. And yet…
Doctor Reacts To Cringey Dhar Mann Videos
The TOP 5 Healthy Fat Foods (Eat These Daily) Did you know that fat is an essential nutrient that your body needs on a daily basis? In fact, without enough…
This Bike Safety Tip Can Save Your Life
Fueling Your Workout the Right Way Fueling your workout is important so you can train properly and recover sooner. Unfortunately people consume far too many calories compared to what is…
Doctor Settles The “Shower Daily” Controversy
How Raw Should You Be to Get the Benefits Reported by a Raw Vegan Diet? For those of us who are lucky enough to even know about the benefits of…
World’s Worst Stretch Machine
How to Plan a Healthy Menu We know that failing to plan is planning to fail, so we know the importance of simple menu planning can make the day a…
Getting Called Out By All The Doctors On TikTok… #Shorts
Having Fun and Good Health Through the Holidays – Eating Well There can be a number of challenges around eating well through the holidays. Your place of work may be…
Doctor Reacts To Joe Rogan’s Controversial COVID Treatment
What Is Choline and Why You Should Care! Today I’m going to share with you what is choline and how it is helpful. Perhaps you have noticed this nutrient in…
10 Natural Remedies That Actually Work
5 Great Benefits to Get From a Plant-Based Diet A plant-based diet includes a high percentage of food sourced from plants rather than animals. This can mean eating nuts, whole…
Is Your Water Aging You?
Simple Solutions for the 3:00 Crash Oh snack foods… In general, they are complete crap and offer little to nothing in the way of nutrients, just calories and sugar. 6…