TikTok Is Becoming Problematic
13 Reasons Why You Should Avoid High-Fructose Corn Syrup We’ve all heard that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is bad for us, but a lot of us still don’t understand why….
Doctor Reacts To Medical Memes That Go Too Far
The Most Healthy Diet Why is consuming a raw food diet the most healthy diet? We are born into this world and were designed to eat the foods that the…
Husky Puppy Learning CPR
10 Healthy Brown Bag Lunch Tips Need help packing a brown bag lunch that your kids will actually eat? Here are ten proven strategies that re-made one mom’s attempts to…
Doctor Reacts To DRAMATIC Lifeguard Rescues
Eating Before, During and After Exercise During exercise, you are breaking down muscles. You want to begin recovery as quickly as possible. Branched Chain Amino Acids Aid Muscle Recovery Article…
Animals performing CPR
Going Gluten Free? What is gluten? Gluten, which literally means glue in Latin, is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. It is most problematic for individuals with Celiac…
Doctor Reacts To Soccer Player’s Heart Stopping Mid-Game #shorts
The Dietitian Vs Nutritionist Verdict The differences between a nutritionist and a dietitian can be rather superficial. Both these words have the tendency to sound alike and hold no difference…