Boxing Is Dangerous. I’m Doing It Anyway.
Why Everyone Should Give Gluten Free Eating A Try Trying a gluten free diet may benefit you even if you don’t have Celiac Disease. See how this diet may help…
Doctor Reacts To Worst Jackass Injuries
What Makes GNLD’s Liver Plus C So Effective For Health And Wellness? The liver throughout the span of history has been recognized as a highly valued and exceptional food item……
I Sparred The Greatest Female Boxer Alive
Benefits Of Marine Phytoplankton What is Marine Phytoplankton? These are microscopic single celled organisms that mostly grow under sea and ocean water. Just like most plants, they require water, sunlight…
Doctor Reacts To Worst Rocky Injuries
Boost Your Daily Supplements Protein shakes have already been processed and packed to give you the protein boost you badly needed. These are meant to be absorbed by the body…
YouTube Boxers Be Like
About the ANDI Scale and Nutritarian Diet Giving readers insight into what the ANDI (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index) is all about, how to use it and how it applies to…
Taking 10 Of His Hardest Punches (Ryan Garcia)
Make Health A Habit With A Paleo Diet Grocery List We all know those new year’s resolutions that never seem to work out. I designed a paleo diet grocery list…
Doctor Reacts To The Most Hilarious Medical Memes
Confessions of a Food Label Reader “John, oh my god! You’re never going to believe this. You’ve got to check out the fridge. They’ve labeled everything!” Fats and Health There…
Doctor Breaks Jake Paul’s Punch Record
The Top 5 Stress Fighting Foods Exercise can do amazing things for our body. It can relieve stress and boost our moods by releasing feel-good hormones, it can relieve aches…
Pro Boxer Ryan Garcia Nearly Breaks My Ribs & Makes A Bold Prediction
Magnesium: So Dear to Our Hearts Magnesium is heart’s most important mineral. About three hundred different enzymes in the body depend on this mineral for functioning and yet many people…